Olympics 2016: Marco Balich’s answer to Rivaldo’s statement
May 10 . 2016I have the greatest respect for Rivaldo Vítor Borba Ferreira as one of the greatest football players in the world. Respectfully, I have to say in a very emphatic fashion that my experience from living and working in Rio de Janeiro for the past one year, leads me to a completely different conclusion than the one he recently expressed:
In the months before the Olympic Games start, all Olympic cities face great challenges and the press rightfully reports on them. And yet in the end everything always works out. It’s not luck. The people of the host city and their experienced international partners work together to do their very best. I know this is what is going to happen with Rio’s Olympic and Paralympic Games.
Rio’s Olympics are going to be phenomenal. It will remind the world what Brazil is all about. In all these years Brazilian people have put a tremendous effort in order to be ready to host the world in Rio de Janeiro. On August 5th 2016 you will marvel on Rio2016 spectacular ceremonies where we will celebrate Humanity and the joy of life in a unique, seen for the first time, fashion.